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Riding Til the Death of US

Today while checking the blog i noticed our first official comment had happened. I had waited long for some online interaction directly through our blog site showing that not only had someone read but also took the time to give feedback. We have received plenty of word of mouth support, IG, twitter Facebook, text message, and email but this comment was the straw that broke this camels back. Fired up and ready to start bucking for the cause this is a call to all Civilized Savages. This person stated that the current state of people in the spotlight was shameful but that "LYMLIFE would change all of that or die trying." oh you know us so well.
First off thank you so much for the kind words and we will not let you down. The fact that the entertainment industry is filled with false idols is very disheartening but we shall fix such things one life at a time. We seek to create a better world through our lives and through our interactions with others. If everyday one more person comes to know the true beauty of LYMLife we have been succesful.

With that being said...who really riding?

Looking forward We have agreed to a product a month for our releases first up is the new batch of bands. This round we ask a simple $1 donation per band to get the ball rolling. Once rolling it will be like the small snowball atop the snowy mountain. By the time we reach the bottom we shall be the size of a small planet. Back to the bands some ask whats the benefit of buying a band?
1. You will have openly pledged to live a purposeful life.
2. You will be aligned with one of the most meaningful movements of your era.
3. Loyalty Pays (For all who might have idea of what we are up to, understand this will help greatly with your finances when attempting to work, play, or collaborate with us)
4. You have joined a group of individuals who have set out to change the world one action at a time.

Ladies look out in may for the first of a long line of LADYLYM releases!

The great Marcus Garvey was under the assumption that word shifting ideas take a few generations to come to pass. One person creates the idea but it is not manifested in his lifetime. I want to respectfully prove him wrong. I can only do that with the assistance of you our readers/family/supporters/ activists.
Until Next time keep it LYM!


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