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We all have daily dilemmas depending on our profession and general approach to life. As one of the main writers on the LYMLife blog, I encounter unique struggles daily in order to bring some quality, heartfelt flame from my cranium to a computer screen near you.
Creativity comes in many forms and can be sparked in numerous ways depending on the individual. As uplifting and positive as I may sound, my insight comes from real world issues and problems I come in contact with. Tough times summon harsh emotions such as anger or sadness which in my book are sloppy emotions. The reason for this view is these emotions tend to spill over when not controlled. For a blogger these emotions can be harnessed, used to dig for truth, or even to help understand greater life lessons.
In times of happiness, when not at war with myself or the world I tend to listen more and take things in. Times of calm help me to appreciate life itself and gives me moments to reflect on and assess my position. The same cannot be said for the darker emotions. Anger floods the brain and blinds the mind. Out of it comes a river of writing which must be polished because of its origins. A lot of the greatest music in the world came from rough situations in artists’ lives. Happy music can be light for the most part whereas, the right sad song can drown us in the deepest sorrows of the artists broken heart. I am a strong believer that society builds us to lean towards a darker side but it is up to us to know what is best personally. If negative situations push you into positive action then you have a skill that is a blessing. In times of turmoil, I write to look at my emotion on paper and verify it with reason . When all is quiet on the western front, I look to my surroundings for my inspiration. Twenty-five (25) years old with a few more experiences than the average Joe gives me plenty "inside" to put on paper. However, sometimes you have to consider your reader and where they might be in life. That consideration is what determines how we deliver certain messages. On the other hand, we don't seek to follow suit of other blogs. We want to be as original as possible while still touching on popular topics which may interest our readers. This all sums up the fact that one of the major struggles I face as a blogger is creativity. Creativity is a bloggers best friend which is affected by our interactions or mood.
Live the story to the fullest because trying to document takes away from the experience. Live it, remember it, and then creatively display it to engage your readers across the spectrum. If not a firsthand experience based writing, we must take time to study the subject enough but not too much in order to give a somewhat intellectual but individual perspective. Creativity here is more opinion based. However, in studying the subject a blogger must make sure not to be swayed falsely to any side.

If you are an a new blogger and have serious issues with creativity its time to use your blog as therapy. Treat it like a personal journal. You may spill thoughts and ideas or give heavily opinionated commentary of a recent event. Either way, you will grow as a writer. Your readers will recognize the writing to be genuine and grow with you. I use my blog to bridge the gap between the man I could be and the man I am. In time, I hope there will be no need for this bridge but in the meantime let’s builds on this bond we are solidifying. From blogger to reader, thanks for having patience and walking this far with me. We've come a long way but still have far to go. Creativity is the issue but as a reader you can help your writers by giving feedback instead of scrolling on. Help me keep this blog true to form. Stay interactive. We are in this together. Our investments different but our payout the same. We all gain a sense of enlightenment as well as freedom from pursuing our dreams. Until next time keep it LYM...


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