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Around the World: Adventures in Peru

Man what can I say about traveling to Peru… The first thing in my head is my cousin. I have never met her before, but yet she and her mother welcomed me into their home and treated my dad and I as if we lived there our whole lives. I got to meet some great people that represent what Lymlife is all about, hard work and great times. The stories of how Peru was is not what it is today, yeah there are differences between here and there, but man they have come up and have strived for better. I saw a country growing. Yes there were many things that would not be done here in Miami or most of the US, but none the less they live just like us. Prices were comparable to here in Miami. The site seeing was breath taking literally. I consider myself to be in decent shape, but man walking through the mountains and high altitudes of Cusco and Machu Picchu wasn’t too easy. It didn’t affect me to the point where I had to stop, but I did get shortness of breath and the occasional fast heart rate just by walking up steps. It was well worth it to see one of the 7 wonders of the world. I have not traveled much, but I am young and will try to travel to one place or more every year for as long as I can. I do not want to be blind to what the world has to offer. To the lymlife followers travel, make new friends, write your own history book about the adventures you take. We as humans take many things for granted and traveling is one of them. We never know what life will bring us so when you do have a chance pack up your bags and hit the road and enjoy all the different places this world has to offer.

-Written by an Original Blood Member Dennis


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