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God Walks With Me....

I've walked many miles in my red vans some places I'm proud of some spots others I wouldn't mind if they stayed in the depths of my closet behind the skeletons. As I've said before it is never really about the final destination but the minor stops on the way. These mini missions usually turn out to be the most random adventures that only add to the armor of life. These are the skin hardening exercises in which we never truly prepare for. Any man can train for something but its when the unexpected takes place that we truly see what our true composition is. What the true mixture of mojo consists of. Over time I have learned lessons, claimed ignorance, and exercised recklessness. At the tender age of 25 I feel a serious sense of enlightenment. I have lost alot , gained some, and replaced none.
Looking back I do not regret a thing but instead use the past as a textbook of trial and error. Considering myself lucky to still be in a flexible position I am able to judge my previous actions and situations on a fairly accurate scale of right and wrong. Regardless of what side these occurrences reside on the spectrum I would not change a thing. The biggest adjustment coming recently and more swiftly than planned.
Categorizing the lifestyle as "Civilized Savagery" I gave purpose to me and my my brothers but as in any empowering situation it was to easy to stray away from focus. Civilized was immediately thrown out and the savagery took form. As a leader it was my duty to bring back the essence of our purpose but simply giving in to human nature allowed things to spiral out of control. God decided it was time to check me. A series of unfortunate events forced me into a state of reflection. When you dive into an foreign environment seeking to conquer by any means necessary you quickly make excuses or justify your behavior that is not fitting of the cause. Many leaders in history have experienced this but the difference is I was allowed the opportunity to make an adjustment. So I studied from the man who made my name mean something. Biblical Joshua stood a righteous man he embodied the "Civilized Savage" and served his life purpose. My goal is to top his achievements. Big shoes to fill but I believe it to be possible so I shall fight the good fight in search of my potential.
Note to my LYMLife family my readings have led me to understand how to properly execute our prophecy. Two important words equally weighted. "Civilized Savages" the men who the beast fears and God stands behind. Regardless your religious preference our goals remain solid. Live righteously, love unconditionally, and attack dreams tenaciously. No thing made of flesh shall stand in our way nor any governmental body. By any means but within the confines of our moral fiber. The term savage used to loosely we must restore that name for society deems monsters, thugs, and hooligans savage. This is not accurate. By keeping things on the up and up we hold tight to our civilized nature and by living in our simplified state we avoid the downfalls of today's society labeling us primitive or savage. The oath taken with no witness but the responsibility upheld by honor. LYMlife the cause, Civilized Savagery the movement, and family/friends the beneficiaries of our doings. Until next time keep it LYM.


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