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Life shouldn’t be filled with broken promises and disappointments...

Its been running through my mind for some time now. I once told my friend/brother/blood I would do something and I would do it often. There are no excuses for me not doing what I said and for that I am sorry. No matter what else I have going in my life, my brother knows the life I live, the hours I work, and the time I put in for school. He walked a similar path not long ago and still did more than just work and study. He created what we all know is Lymlife. No matter what it took he got it started and brought his true friends or as we say family, or how I like to say blood into his ideals. He still pushes our cause solo or with us. I say it is ours because we believe in it and we believe in what it stands for. We all stand as individuals no man greater than the next, but together we are family made of the same blood and that is the Blood of Lymlife. With that being said we stand for many things and I for one believe life isn’t full of broken promises and disappointments. If you as a person says they will do something for someone or for yourself go through with it. You might not get the result you wanted but it doesn't mean it’s a failure. I have not lived up to my words and it bothered me for some time. I like to think I am a man of my word and a man of action so to all the lymers out there follow through with your promises. Even though actions speak louder than words make those words your actions and follow through with everything you say.

-Words of wisdom From an Original Blood Member Dennis


Unknown said...

Preciate the love and support and we shall not let you down. From your mouth to God's Ears.. @lym'secretadmirer We are here to dethrown False idols and right wrongs one dream at a time.

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