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Not many people can say they love what they do. Well if you don’t then you should be working to do what you love. Not wanting to be at work and working to make a check just because you need to survive is not the way to do it. I have worked hard at school graduated with a bachelor’s degree, now having one semester left for a master’s degree, and working in my field of study/choice. Not many people can say that they landed a job in their field of choice shortly after graduating, but I did and I have never been happier. It is a blessing to be able to say I love going to work every day. No matter how hectic it may get or frustrated I get I still love what I do. I look back and feel blessed to be doing what I worked so hard for and LOVE. The company I work for has taken a chance on a young up and comer to learn and progress in a demanding and stressful career.  Looking back at the hard work that was been put in and feeling like you’re moving forward with a bright future ahead is payment enough. LYMLIFE is about putting in hard work in and going through the struggle.  Yes more money is always a plus but it is not what drives us it is not about the money. Money will come with time and experience. It is more about the achievement of getting to where you want to be and not being satisfied when you get there. People only see the parties and good times we have at LYMLIFE, but LYMLIFE is so much more than partying. We work hard for what we have and give back with the little that we have. We are normal day people going through every day struggles that you the readers are going through. Hungry to work our way up and look down to the people who thought they were better than us and teach them and the world that we are here to better ourselves and each every person we meet. Pushing the real meaning of LeaveYourMarkLIFE (LYMLIFE) is not a job is what we LOVE to DO.

From an Original Blood member Twindennis


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