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Stunt Driving on The Highway By Accident (Skrrrtttt Skrrrrtttton that Black Ice)

Driving in the snow should be its own sport....

My first official drive in the snow was an adventurous one. It consisted of me praying and screaming "Jesus Take the wheel" while clenching my butt cheeks the whole way to work. My car did not pass the 30MPH mark but with the slipping and sliding it was probably going a solid 40. It was almost reflective of my party life "No Control". I want to seriously thank the considerate and patient Ohio Highway drivers for not honking and cursing me during this trying time. It was already a nerve racking experience but the lovely drivers around me did not add to the stress. They must have seen my Florida license plate and knew this guy is definitely a slider. I have never sweat so much in 15 minutes, not even for my most excruciating workouts. As I arrived at work I immediately started shopping for dogs to run my sled that I will be buying soon.
Lessons learned
-Don't sleep on mother nature
-Don't trust the road even if it looks like road because its actually a full fledged skating rink
-the first day after snowfall is the worst to drive
-Plows in columbus are not as proactive as canadian plowers
-When you've arrived at black ice do not slam on your brakes or attempt to turn the wheel
-Keep Praying
-Do not try to squirt windshield wiper fluid while driving in sub zero temperatures even if it is mixed with antifreeze
-All season tires are synonymous with racing slicks as far as snow is concerned
-Always Back in the night before a snow storm
- stretch your glutes before a drive in such conditions.
The more I learn about living in the tundra the more I stories I will have to share with you all.
Until next time keep it LYM.


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