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No Benchwarmers

Within the inner circle of LYMLife resides a strange group of individuals. I call them the usual suspects. A gift I was given as a child was to be able to judge character fairly well. I cant say all my friends are angels but within the depths of their souls lies genuinely good people with great ideas. A good heart and imagination is something that cant be acquired. Either your born curious or submissive, loving or withdrawn. The rest you acquire through life. My partners were born questioning things and learning through trial and error. Every man, woman, and child I bring into the inner sanctum of this creative beast I call LYMLife has something to contribute whether they know it or not. None with me shall ever be referred to as a "Wasteman". Everyone can shine you just have to have the patience and the eye to find their niche. I am considered a leader because I will not stop they find that role that they were meant to play. If you cant be used your useless thats what it boils down to. LYMLife was built around unique individuals and continues to grow in different directions as new individuals join the movement.
In every group of friends there is always that one individual they may be viewed as the weakest link or maybe the jester of the group. Everyone has a good laugh at this persons expense and when you cant create enjoyment out of thin air this person becomes the groups entertainment. In LYMLife we build everyone up no man is put down for the simple entertainment of others. We always moving forward never taking steps backwards. Our bench is empty all players get gametime over here. I hear all this talk of new year, new moves. People cutting people off and moving in new packs. The difference between the man they call "Chapo" and you he is a leader like no other and you are just someone trying to get ahead. I wait for my soldiers because no man is left behind in the savage camp. The willing and able are welcome but all I ask is you work to match my hustle. I am willing to sacrifice my own for those I see making the effort. I could be much further in life but I believe I can find more joy in sharing the success with my brothers. So even when they aren't saying "Put me in coach" but i see that play they can make I throw em in the game. We all can shine and I got no time for benchwarmers. We are like 300 over here few against many thus we dont have a sideline for anyone to hangout at. Everyone plays a role and everyone is responsible for another's back so action is a requirement.
2015 seems to be everyone's year but when I said it is the "Year of the Savage" its for a few reasons. One we spent the last few years building a bond that cannot be broken. School is out for us, some of our greatest teachers have moved on to the next realm leaving the dogs without leashes. We are free to run now and it is up to us how many miles we cover. We have shed the dead weight and the only thing that can hold us back is our own excuses. This year will be a year of great progress so to the civilized savages I say lets stop trying to teach them and lets show them how we do this thing called LYMing. We shall take some hits bounce back and hand out a few beatings but we will grow as a group and as individuals. We will find some points we can work on while discovering new strengths. We will have only two types of days this year that being great days and character building days. Now lets go get it! Until next time keep it LYM.


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