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Can't concentrate

It's been a while since I've written a blog. I have been working on myself individually to show followers what it is to live LYMLife. I'm sitting at work not being able to concentrate, but all I can think of is LYMLife right now. I saw something the other day that stood out to me that hopefully soon we will be able to share with all our lymers. It showed me something that I have not put enough effort into with all the things happening in my life. It showed that LYMLife is my life. I know I have not been doing as much as before, but it was to sit back and work on myself before i could help others. This new idea is something I want to do alone but I know I will need direction with someone within the inner circle of LYMLife who has done this before. I'll need guidance but will want to do it on my own. Its time for me to give back to people who have given to me. The LYM family has provided me with material goods for my new adventure of living on my own for the first time, they have given me love and support. If you ever need anything the LYM house is a place where you learn live and grow. We have had many lyms there and it has always been a welcoming home. Now its my turn to show a little appreciation to those who have provided me with more than what words can explain. They know I have a special place in my heart for them and will do anything for them, but I want to show them a little more than what I feel I have shown. Just wait and see what I have in store for the LYMLife family.


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