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Once a Visionary Never a Blindman

Progress always comes at a price I just never thought it would come at the price it did. Like any obstacle I shall overcome but just wanted to restate some things. Every once in a while I like to share the vision of LYMLife with those who are new to the concept and in this case some brothers who forgot .
LYMLife began a concept in my head. People said i was different I was born in one era but conducted myself like I was of another. My aura seemed to glow differently than most of my generation. I just thought I was weird. Through trial and tribulation I formed my own code of conduct at an early age. I stuck to the script and never switched lanes. While the world changed I remained a reference point for others to judge their own transformation off of. My unwillingness to conform or adjust to the instability of my environment allowed me to excel past those trying to morph. This process is LYMLife.
I never was the popular kid and it never bothered me. Neither was I a total outcast. My soul is one of that changes the souls of others. The hidden society of righteous gentlemen is where i reside. Old school in our ways but to me there was a time when people knew how to act right and I am just sitting waiting on a return to that. My vision for LYMLife was to create an umbrella for the hard workers to excel under while protecting them legally. I sought to find the dreamers and invest in them until they were able to illuminate their lights so the world could see. The true meaning of LYMLife is not the selling of clothing but living in a manner which inspires others to make a positive change in their environment. The word LYMLife translates to leave your mark life. The world is a canvas and we all have our own color paint. When the heavens look down on the canvas they should see billions of different hues from all the lives that stepped outside of the norm they call existence. I always said the world wouldn't change until an immovable force went against it. I have met a few people that believed LYMLife to be that force. It can be classified as immovable and fearless so I don't see why not. This will be my life's work and when I'm dead and gone I pray that it continues to positively change lives through the people I've touched and those I've influenced. Anyone can embrace LYMLife and some who don't even know of it are already on its path. My dream is to see all those who put the effort in and never give up achieve what they deserve. I don't think people should get what they want I believe they should get what they deserve.
On a business side LYMLife is a progressive family of righteous men and women. Putting morals and codes back into society. I will only eat with those I starved with. Stay consistent! Be progressive. And live by an unbreakable honorable code. Until next time keep it LYM.


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