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Public Service Announcement

This is just a public service announcement to all those who support and follow the LYMLife. As this blog continues you will eventually come to fully understand the LYMLife. LYMLife is about regular people doing extraordinary things. We support all those chasing their dreams. We are not just posting the people doing fly things or things that might be accepted as cool. LYMLife is about the everyday struggler fighting for the things they believe in. The LYMLifers are just dreamers who stopped planning and started taking action. If you have a dream and you haven't given up on it yet the you are living the LYMLife. Don't ever give up. Even if school, work, or any other responsibility related stress is getting to you keep the fight going. We support you in your fight; we are on your side. We have our own dreams that life may get in the way of but you don't see us saying it's to hard. We represent the common folk scrounger who is grinding to get theirs. This post is just to let you know we are behind you. Your time will come just as ours is on its way. Everyone will get their time to shine. Twenty-Two years and counting and we still haven't had ours but we can't quit now. Fight for your right to make a difference. There is a reason you haven't quit yet; dreams are worth the struggle. If it was easy to achieve goals you wouldn't appreciate the outcome as much. Don't quit on yourself because we haven't given up on you yet. If your out their struggling let us know we can help. Depression, stress, defeat, confusion, and all other feelings that might get you down are just bumps in the road to success. Think about if all those who ever made a difference quit early because of these overwhelming feelings. No quitting, no complaints, you only have so much time to do what you came to do so do it. One life to live, and only so much to give. Live life to the fullest and lend the helping hand while you still can. Just like a workout you need that playlist to get you through life. So make your playlist and continue your journey into the horizon. Don't worry no need to walk alone we are walking the same path.....


Anonymous said...

LYMliving all day!!!!

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