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In this Life I lead

Sitting at home wasting away as my thoughts swallow me alive and the burden of a test on the horizon begins to set in, I think to myself what is LYMLife.
 Months prior I had planned to attend the Orlando stop of the Waken Baken tour, but due to some serious academic obstacles and the fact that the concert has been sold out for about 3 weeks now I have decided to put my studies first tonight. I can't lie I am slightly grieved  because I have yet again missed an opportunity to see two of my favorite artists in concert but I have put it in perspective and school is currently on a higher priority level.

Everybody knows Wiz but I suggest you don't sleep on Yelawolf......Hollerachee

 Here at LYMLife we understand the difference between a dream and reality. The difference is the reality must come before the dream. Reality is your hustle, struggle, or grind. Dreams are the prize, trophy, or "pay off". LYMLife is not doing what you want to do whenever you want to do it. Its about living life, while taking responsibility, grinding,  and eventually after the hard work is done the dreams will come. So in the name of "La Pincha" its time to face my reality and "Go Ham" on these textbooks. Shouts out to Wiz and all the Taylors in attendance and shouts out to Catfish Billy....


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