In an unexpected turn of events productivity beat procrastination by a landslide today. In our first official LYMLife meeting, productive would be an understatement.

I woke this morning with a short list of small goals to accomplish in order to further my company/lifestyle/blog. Starting at roughly 3PM, I have accomplished much more than I expected up to this point. With the help of my Associate B-Dub we cleared all the hurdles placed in front of us. We met at a local Starbucks and ordered some seasonal beverages. After that it was straight to work. After a few hours, a trip to the mall, a margherita pizza, and two bowls of Edy's Pumpkin Pie ice cream LYMLife had a mascot, a mission statement, and some much needed technological updates. The lesson for today is basically with a little bit of motivation we all can overcome procrastination. You just have to work toward something you believe in and are passionate about. The LYMLife is my passion, and its the best way to describe the lifestyle that most of the productive people I associate myself with and myself follow. Never give up hope, and chase your dreams because we aren't stopping before we reach ours.
B-Dub handling the technological beauracracy
My pens bleed creativity |
Great post! And I love the beanie, btw lol.
I like how you moved your office to a coffee shop. Bravo. Get out there and get the items on paper. and in a blog.
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