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leader of men

To a leader of men we have been through many adventures together. High School you fought cancer and we were there for you, our adventure to McDonalds where Momma Lym had to take us into the house, all our CHILL nights, now today is the day I leave from your house sipping on some Hennessy with you to wish you a farewell. Ohio is a new adventure that i will not be there in person but in spirit. I will come and visit once the time is right. You are going to start a new future for you and our little savage. Miami is my future for right now so we will have to keep in touch and turn up later. I have many opportunities here in Miami and will take full advantage just as you have. I am proud of all my brothers and the things they are doing and this is another event to write about. This is just another story to write in the LYMLife book. When we look back at this book, our stories will be in writing and we will never forget all the great times and struggle we went through. You have touched so many people in this world including me, and I hope I have touched you and all the other people I've met. I think everyone will agree that we will never have another brother like you. I will keep the fort down here in Miami and work to make sure that none of our brothers will be forgotten and have everything I have. We have always walked together side by side never looking down on each other or trying to best each other only in beer pong and we know who the best is. I thank you for always treating me and everyone as an equal. It really shows your character and the true character of what it is to be LYMLife.

To my friend, my brother, a king, and a leader of men good luck we will turn up soon.

From an original blood member to another



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