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The Prequel to Homesickness(Letter to My Brothers)

Regardless of what they say we all feel it. No matter how bad your situation may have been we all get homesick sometimes. It may be the people, it could be your bed, it could be a bench you used to sit on and ponder life. Whenever your away and you get moment to just chill thoughts of home cross your mind. Some act on these thoughts others stick to the plan. Talking to friends and hearing the stuff going on back home felt somewhat bittersweet. I miss chilling with my people and doing the things we do but my focus will remain unbroken.
Tunnel vision is one of my many blessings. It allows me to block out certain emotions and push forward. My goals and dreams require a certain amount of isolation. Many don't understand what it actually takes to be the best at your craft. They settle on a cloud called comfort and coast for the majority of their life but my eyes are set above where the clouds exist. My vision is somewhat stellar. If I am to return the man I have set my sights on then I must take this time (as long as it may be) to dig deeper into my soul. I must allow myself to be broken down until there is nothing left to break and my only choice is to begin building from scratch. I must remove all my luxuries and jump back in the trenches. Struggle I will, so that transform I must. My outlook maintains positive but still I'm constantly being tested and questioned.
I went shopping to a few stores for some winter gear and every time I use my card and they ask for my idea first thing they say "Why are you here?" I always reply opportunity. People know its not for the weather and its definitely not "location, location, location". Whenever the masses head left I've always been the one to head right. Why follow when I can lead. Unlike many on IG I don't need followers. I am okay with making moves and setting trends that won't catch on. I never did it for anyone but myself and my loved ones. I don't seek approval I only seek progression and if a Civilized Savage must leave his home and not return for many moons then that's exactly what he will do. Home is a plane away but its a flight I won't take unless my parental units request my presence. Homesickness is not a strong enough emotion to make me stray from my future plans. My mother and father understand my task and they support me. My brothers feel the same. My sister did not question me when I said its time to conquer new lands. She blindly said yes  lets do it and for that blind faith I will repay her with my 100% effort to facilitate her and support her in her journey for a better life. I have sacrificed a lot but I know there is still more to give. Through the pain, hurt, and longing I shall endure, because in the end it will all be worth it. Whatever was mine will still be mine and more. Whoever was about me will still be about me. Leaving home means people can assume you to be out of the picture but they forget they are trapped by the invisible boundaries. Widen you lens, and break out of the frame. The world is bigger than your situation and its filled with wonders. I am Joshua " The Real Civilized Savage" and I will do what I said I'd do. I no longer can say to people " I hope you get what you want" I say "I hope you get what you deserve" because our deeds and impressions will determine what we earn. Will you get what you deserve that's up to you. Your earnings will directly reflect your sacrifice. Sorry to say though the world is funny because even that is not guaranteed. There is always hope though. So I say from the bottom of my heart " I miss home and everyone in it" but "I'm out here trying to make better me so that we can be a better us"(made sense to me). Until next time keep it LYM.


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