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Same LYMLifers New Beginnings

Its been a while since I have written a post, but it is not without reason. It is hard to come up with something meaningful to write so all our brothers and sisters can read, reflect, and react. In our LYMLife inner circle of the Original Blood Members we have come to the realization that we must walk the walk and better ourselves first before we can show everyone else what it really means to be LYMLife/ Civilized Savages. We have been pushing each other for betterment of ourselves so we can show you the real meanings of what we are trying to instill in our followers. When I mean followers I do not mean us leading a line walking one single path. Our purpose is to show our followers that they create their own paths and write their own stories. Stories about how they have bettered themselves' and the people around them. I always hear about the energy you give, the attitude you bring, the aura you have is how you will affect others. When people get that positive vibe they gravitate towards you and vice versa. Well we have started to see great things happening in our lives. In my deepest and wildest dreams and I think I can say this for my brothers as well we dream that the path we take and the story we write in our personal lives will help guide you in your own paths. Showing us that you have made it the LYMLife Way creating your own stories.

From an Original Blood Member Twindennis


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