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Ambition or Thiirst

In the work world men and women are funneled through jobs until they find a career. The differences between jobs and a career are simple. One jobs are temporary, careers a bit more permanent. Career is something you decide to do for an extended period of time. Many people are known by their careers. "What are you? What do you do?" are common questions in small talk at parties, family functions, random passings, even in the dating scene. You are labeled and categorized by what you do for a living. If you have decided on a career then you must attack the task at hand with great tenacity. Both a job and a career pay your bills, keep you busy, and educate you in your field of work. The question is what makes you, you. Is your career your life's work or is your true passion outside of work. We all want important positions in life but we all can't be CEO's. Too many chiefs mean there are no indians, no tribe. I say that to say this if you don't seek to be the boss then make sure you play your role with dignity and passion. I am an engineer by profession and education. I also have a masters degree in management, but I don't want to manage people. I'm a leader by birth but manager by education.I wasn't sure what I really wanted out of my education until I got my master's degree. I don't like the position of manager. Manager is a title of a man or woman meant to keep people in line and lay down laws of the CEO while maintaining a schedule . A leader can be in any role and still be more effective than a manager.
One characteristic of a leader is he constantly looks for ways to better himself. sometimes even at the cost of upsetting managers. A leader may fall and stumble but what makes him a leader is his ability to bounce back and inspire others through his hardships. The leader is always the most ambitious of his group. He takes the leap of faith that others won't. Some leaders are reckless others very calculated. A leader can be the best or worst person to have in the labor force. They are difficult to manipulate and their loyalty usually lies with those that gain their trust and believe in "the vision".
I have come across few that share my vision but many that see the necessity and benefit of my vision. In life we all have goals some smaller than others but goals nonetheless. Some goals so large they are considered dreams. You must walk amongst men who are positive and want you to reach your goals as you them. Without this concept you walk amongst enemies or "tolls" as I call them. They must get something in return for you to advance. Me and my team understand that every man's goal is his own first priority. So we treat life accordingly, always complimenting each other and offering assistance where possible. We try our hardest not to get in the way of each other but sometimes it just happens. In the event it does we find a compromise because we all want to see each other prosper. Those who mean you good will recognize your ambition and respect it. It will never be confused for thirst or disloyalty. Those who are for you will know it is simply in the name of progress that you move so swiftly. Never Fear progression because you were born to be yourself. Be true to that and you will have to work to go wrong in life. The greater good is a weird concept but in my eyes to achieve it we must always try to leave a situation better than when we entered it. Spend your life building your empire no matter the size. Don't spend your life building the empire of others.


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