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To our Graduates...

I apologize people we haven't fallen off just got a little busy with some old goals. Congrats to all our recent graduates including  Jared LYM and myself. Our academic bar has been reached so we raised it. Other than that we are currently working through the glitches of our summer line which will be coming to you soon. More importantly is the growth of our LYMLIFE network. In our travels we have met many people and spread the word. Some old, some new, but all down for the cause. Now that we have gotten that update out of the way on to a message for the graduates.

No man ever published an accurate guidebook on how to succeed. Success is the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. This being true in the scope of society in my mind we determine our own success. Success has nothing to do with the journey it only deals with the final product. The final outcome is the only thing success is concerned with. Many before us have succeeded but what was the cost is my question?
"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?"-Matthew 16:26
That is a valid question and its a concept which LYMLIFE stands on. I do not know each and every one of your personal goals or your unique definitions of what success is to you, but I do know that there is a difference between a successful man and a righteous man. One can be both but just because you are successful doesn't make you righteous and vice versa. Congratulations to those who received their degrees and i'm hoping you have begun your next chapter with the same fire you started school with. More importantly is to remember in your future endeavors to hold yourself to a standard. Always keep a non negotiable standard for living and loving. In everything you do you should have a code which you enforce and uphold. Upholding your standard and working to achieve your goals helps create a healthy successful environment in which you will thrive and others will envy. Those on your path who did not have a code will not appreciate the fruits of their labor as much and will probably realize that they compromised in order to succeed. They don't belong among the ranks of those who worked hard day and night, lost sleep, and outcast themselves socially in order to make a way for themselves. LYMLIFE along with many other positive movements wants the best for you and yours. and although our paths might be different there is no reason we can't work together. Leave your mark, solidify your mind, and set a standard. Whatever you do in life make it worth your while. Do something you are willing to put your name on and stand behind. Make sure your cause is one you would die for because I am damn sure willing to die for mine. Don't let anyone interrupt the communication between you and your dreams. Until next time keep it LYM.


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