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Wisdom Wednesdays

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder struggle."

Kindness is somewhere within us all. However , we often forget to extend a smile or kind word to others as we move through our busy schedules. It takes very little to make a difference in someone's day. People riding in my car when I go through the cash lanes at the toll often laugh or comment at how friendly I am to the toll workers. You would be amazed at  at how little effort it really takes and at the responses you recieve. If you ride a familiar route often , they begin to remember you and who knows.... this may be the one nice gesture for their day where nothing is expected in return. I recall,  many years ago, when I got up to the toll booth and was told  a previous driver had paid the toll for the next few cars. It was only a 25 cent toll, but the gesture stands out in my mind to this day.  In a way, it inspired me to extend a small kindness at the toll booth for many years after. I always greet the workers with a smile and tell them have a nice day. In return, I get a wrm smile and a blessing as well. As you LYM (leave your mark) this week , implement your own act of random kindness to people you encounter daily. It would be nice to share some of the ideas and responses if you care to comment. While we live our dash, we should pay it forward. Until seven sunsets,  live well, laugh often and LYM positively.


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