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Wisdom Wednesdays

Wisdom Wednesdays
"Sometimes events conspire to bring you to a certain place. When that attention. There's a lesson there."...........Unknown
  This week as in all weeks provided many opportunities to learn new lessons. We often miss lessons  we need simply because we are not paying attention. If you believe nothing happens by chance, then you may understand the importance of every action and reaction, the role this plays in life, and how it affects what is in store for us along our path. When faced with conflict, tough decisions or unexpected events , many of us ask "why me?" or "how did this happen?" . In our effort to answer these questions, we often waste precious time in finding or attempting a possible solution. We don't realize that there were signs along the way that we either ignored or didn't attend to . We lose sight, if only for a time of how capable we are, how strong we are and especially, how resilient we are. If we focus on the event or sequence of events leading us to this particular place in time .....we would learn the lesson and begin to implement a "fix" or solution in order to move forward. Moving forward is the first step in healing, it is also an important step in "seeing" and lastly, it is an imperative step in progressing.  Healing in this sense, means being able to appreciate what we walk way with in terms of learning while at the same time letting go of what we found to be frustrating at best and painful at worst. "Seeing" is our ability to put enough distance between the event and the solution in order objectively view our circumstance and make a sound decision. Progress comes in when we have come out on the other side and are once again ready to conquer our world and fulfill our dreams. Through all things, have confidence in your ability to weather the storms, because there will be storms. Remain strong in your convictions as this is how you maintain standards in times when you are tempted to cut corners in order to "get over the hump". Most importantly, persevere in your vision to LYM in ways that honor your dreams. Until seven sun sets, leave your mark positively.


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