Its been a minute since I've written and I apologize for that but we have important things to discuss today "Idols". In society today the youth and some of the older generations take part in this act of almost worshiping false idols. In the dictionary an idol is defined as an image used as an object of worship or a false God. In these times I feel we have confused the children and are confused ourselves as to what our guideline should be. There is a lot of grey area in the "Idol, Hero, Mentor, Leader" business. What is the difference and what is the hierarchy for importance in our life? All I'm here to tell you today is take the time and be the example you want the younger generation to look up to. I will define this influential person as a "LYMLIFER" for the moment. If you thought TV was what it used to be your sadly mistaken. TV is gloom, doom, and lots of fiction. As a parent, sibling, friend, elder, or whatever you must be the change in your environment. Don't rely on others to do it, you must rise up and take the responsibility to elevate your world. One very common mistake is the idolizing of celebrities. They are humans just like you and I. They make mistakes just as we do. The are a few major differences which I would be happy to point out.
1. They are in a much higher tax bracket which allows for sometimes larger mistakes
2. They have a slightly different understanding of peer pressure
3. They are not always punished like us "Nobodies"(non famous)
The money is a major issue which allows celebrities more access to a variety of resources. Celebrities and their outlandish behavior is sometimes due to the pressure of either fans or blending with their peers. Celebrities sometimes cave to the enormous pressure of their environment and lifestyle. Drugs for instance are a major thing that I believe celebs pick up for all the wrong reasons. Lastly is the fact that if you are not famous don't expect to ever be excused if you committed a crime it rarely happens. With all that said understand the difference between entertainers and idols. Certain celebrities are not all people we should look up to they are our entertainment(in a nice way). So when your child says to you "I want to be like _____(insert some out of hand celebrity)" tell them to specify the qualities which they wish to possess. No one should want to be exactly like another. We are all individuals and we all bring something to this life. Find your thing and shine at what you do because we all have our own unique purpose on earth. Worship within your faith, love within your family, and be yourself amongst peers. Never change on the simple fact that others are into that now. Set your own trends and watch. Its only a matter of time before people catch on to what you might be doing and that becomes the popular thing. Young men be gentleman, have class the jersey shore was never a manual on how to live. Young Ladies be women of sophistication, be queens not bitches. Basketball wives along with the majority of those reality shows are excellent examples of women who don't know how to act. They have truly lost their way. Until next time keep it LYM.
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