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One Day Without Shoes....

Your mother always told you not to complain when life gets tough, because there is someone out there who has it worse than you. Well there are many children across the world that have been deprived of this simple luxury of wearing shoes. In many developing countries children are forced to walk barefoot to school, to clean water, and to find medical help. A lot of you out there may take the simple privilege of being able to buy and wear shoes for granted but its time you think outside yourself. So I ask you to do your part in contributing to the less fortunate. Your country may not have this issue but remember "this is our world". So tomorrow as you get up for school work or whatever it may be, toss those shoes and socks aside, you wont need them. So whether you read this before your day begins on April 5th, or you read it during the day just lose the shoes ASAP. Donate shoes or buy a new pair from to take your contribution to the next level. For every pair purchased from TOMS they will donate a pair to the children trapped in poverty. LYMLIFE= changing lives so if you consider yourself part of this movement I suggest you lose the shoes. Don't take my word for it read up and enlighten yourself at And please remember you aren't doing this for me you are doing it for the kids who live this barefoot life on a daily basis. Thank you again for taking the time out of your day to read this and remember until next time keep it LYM.....


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