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Go Hard Or Go Home.....

I will admit in my life I have one serious addiction aside from food and that is the gym. Now I don't expect you all to take on this addiction but I do expect you to at least attempt to make some contribution to your health. We all usually wait for the new years to make it a resolution "I'm going to get fit this year", but why wait? Why wait for tomorrow when you can start today. Whether your vices are affecting your health or you just need to tighten up that frame a little, its time to get your piece of the pie.
I have been consistently working out for a couple years now and honestly its one of the only things in my life that gives the satisfaction  from success after I put in the work. What I put in is exactly what I get out of it. Now I know a major issue with a lot of people is the time factor. Also people get tired of the same thing day in day out and get bored with their workouts. Some want to get big and strong, some want to whittle down and improve endurance, others just want to look good. Well I have an answer to all your problems and requests.....
Crossfit-Forging Elite Fitness

Crossfit is the simplest answer to your problems. I have been following crossfit for about almost a year now and I am extremely pleased with the results obtained. I don't have one complaint. I reap exactly what I sow. More importantly I enjoy the new challenge that each workout brings.
According to wikipedia: CrossFit is a strength and conditioning fitness methodology used in nearly 1,700 gyms worldwide and by many fire departments, law enforcement agencies and military units.
According to the crossfit journal : Crossfit is a strength and conditioning system built on constantly varied, if not randomized, functional movements executed at high intensity. Man’s world, nature, is full of movement. Our standing, sitting, throwing, lifting, pushing, pulling, climbing, running, and of course, punching are all quite natural. They got us where we are. They are part of our design."
To me crossfit is a blend of all types of physical activity put together to make an time efficient, extremely intense, result forcing workout. There are many outlets for you to get in tune with the crossfit movement they are as follows: (main crossfit site)
The sites are self explanatory and give you a full intro with crash course on how to begin your journey towards a fitter you. Here are some motivational pictures(via crossfit affiliated sites and blogs) to spark your flame....
Yes, Lance is part of the movement

Anything you can do she can probably do better...but she had to have started somewhere

Ladies, trying to fit into that dress without the back fat dripping off the sides...

Like I said no excuses....Let this man motivate you


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