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Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself, My Name is...

After a busy weekend in Miami spreading the movement, I realized this thing we call LYMLife doesn't really need to be sold because it basically sells itself. All LYMLife really needs is a good introduction and the rest is history. So, since many were recently introduced its time I give a quick breakdown of what this thing really is.
LYMLife is the categorization of amazing people. The beginning acronym LYM stands for "leave your mark" because that what we strive to do. When I say leave your mark there are countless ways to do that and everyone's mark look different so we really can't define that but we can give examples. By you reading this post I have left some kind of mark on your life whether you like it or not. I have asked you to support a movement which in turn supports you just the same. The more followers, fans, supporters, believers, and allies we have the more likely we are to impact the world and seeing as we are powered by positivity it should be a good change. I would never tell you how to live or what to do this is more to lend a helping hand, enlighten, and inspire you. I have dreams just like you but my belief is that together we can be more efficient in reaching our potential and living out our dreams. I say all of that to say this support the LYMLife and you won't ever regret the decision. Yes we do have a clothing line but you’re not just buying clothes your buying into realism. When I say realism I'm not speaking about the "oh life sucks" type of thing more the "ok we recognize the problem" and attempt to find a solution in order to live more complete lives. LYMLife is the journey to live a more fulfilling life through pursuing dreams, following your heart, and living with conviction. If you embark on that adventure I can guarantee you will leave your mark. Whether it be you solve world hunger or you motivate a younger sibling to better themselves a mark will be left. LYMLife is all about these contributions big or small so keep doing your thing and keep in touch with us. Email us, tweet us, whatever form of communication you see fit. We accept it all from constructive criticism to issues you might want our opinion on. If there something you want to see covered on the blog please drop us a line. Until next time keep it LYM.


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