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Spring Broke....

Greetings you all,
Sorry I been gone so long, but duty called. Between midterms, spring break, and many unexpected turns it was enough to keep me away this long. Don't worry we are back with a short update.
Clothing line is going well some of you out there are still deciding as to which tee fits you I suggest you get on it asap because we might sell out of your size or design. For those of you in Miami trying to purchase your shirt if you email me at or tweet @ LYMLIVING with the design, size, and color you want you will be able to have the shipping fee waived and only pay the $25. That will only last for this weekend so contact me asap if you need your LYMLIFE fix. For the rest of you just contact us for your tees.

Feeling this beautiful weather outside reminds me to notify you that yes our summer line will be coming soon tanks, tees, and more. We are currently working on some collaboration projects so we don't want to speak too soon but we will get back to you about that eventually. Other than that life is good we can't complain. Our reach spreads daily and I am very proud to say we have reached foreign lands such as Germany, Canada, Russia, South Korea, UK, New Zealand, France, Russia, and much more. To all of you supporting once again I thank you for your believing in LYMLIFE. LYMLIFE was built on hard work and belief in a dream and through others believing in this dream we can change the world.
With that said its time to quickly comment on spring break and everything that goes with it. For Spring break LYMLIFE split up and conquered two cities Houston, Texas and Miami, Fl. Yes I know what you might be thinking we are Miami/ Orlando based but honestly I dont know any better place for spring break when your money is low. It just so happens that home is a very popular spring break destnation. I cannot comment on the adventures of BDUB in Houston but I can tell you I thoroughly enjoyed my days of sand and sun. The rest and recuperation was needed. All I have to say is if you have time on your spring break give your body that needed rest it will thank you for it later. Here is the damage done.....
Vans, Sand, Sun, and the Sea.....
Sorry had to "Call A Cab"
Courtesy of Truck stop off Okeechobee  Wednesday night( Pan Chicken and Festival) 
Had to "190 Octane"
Excellent food, Well priced for Miami Beach , and great environment for stimulating conversation

Ended Spring break on a more productive wave. I actually got the opportunity to work the bar back of Miami's Jouvert. It was an interesting experience to say the least. A good portion of LYMLIFERS were in attendance and we actually controlled a good portion of the bar. Always happy to lend a helping hand where needed. Those in attendance I know you all had a great time and hopefully we will catch up with you next time around on a more festive note instead of working. Keep an eye out for an update on our Houston adventures and until next time keep it LYM........


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