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Waiting in line

I know many people hate waiting in line at the movies, restaurants, theme parks, etc., but boy do they love waiting in line for the next J's to come out and the new IPhone or latest gadget. I understand the shoes is big deal and can be seen as a way of making a profit. I know many shoe collectors that can sell their shoes for triple of what they paid so its all good, but the IPhone and gadget is crazy. After the first couple months people will complain about the glitches the maker will come out with upgrades to the previous model to take care of the glitch. I know the new technology is cool but is it really worth waiting in line to buy a $700 phone not including taxes and monthly bills that may have problems and will need to be fixed. On top of fixing the problems 6 months to a year later the item is sold for less because the next latest and greatest comes out to start the insanity of waiting in line for something that loses value within a year or two. I know many people cry wolf about not having money, but will spend the hundreds of dollars to get the latest shoes, phones, etc. I don't understand why people do it. Have we become the type of people that values materialistic items more than relationships we build amongst each other? The technology separates us in some ways and brings us together in other. Example being in a group together where no one is talking to each other, but rather texting their fingers away and not enjoying the moment and times with the people they love. On the other hand technology allows us to share our moments so the rest of the world. Our LYMLife family uses various apps and technology to share with all of you our adventures of the Civilized Savage life and hopefully the one thing you get from it is live life and enjoy it with the people you love and meet don't let the technology ruin your relationships.

From an Original Blood Member Twindennis


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