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The LYMLife We Live

From the words of an origial blood member Twindennis. The past two weekends were special. My family and friends celebrated my brother and I birthday/earth strong. We as LYMLife moved as one and couldnt have looked stronger. As usual we met new people along the way and introduced the ways of LYMLife. It was good to see one of our brothers join us after going through some things.The savages went out to play these two weekends and it was all fun and games. We have learned to never plan for a chill night because it will lead us into the debauchery of the streets. I never knew I could shuffle but it happened and we have stories to tell about these two weekends celebrating. In the past months I've been exposed to what life has to offer, ups downs and everything around, but there was always certain things I could count on and that is the people I call family whether they are blood or not were right by each other's side and mine no matter the circumstance. We have stuck together and will continue to do so together.


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