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Loyalty Over Royalty

The Smitty twins have spent the last decade embedding themselves in the foundation of LYMLife. Today I wish them a happy birthday because they are the definition of Civilized Savages and my brothers.
Danny was the first twin I met through my engineering academy in high school. Amongst the academy a brotherhood was created through pure young dumb fun. Put a bunch of high school boys in a room together and give them freedom and you will achieve anarchy. I considered it a watered down version of Oz. I eventually ended up dating one of Danny's good friends and that caused me to question his loyalties. Over time I can officially say he is a damn good friend because he never once chose sides. 10+ years later and I see him every weekend for some brotherly chillage. He has shown nothing but love, loyalty and LYMage. In this war of life he is a soldier I am proud to stand next to in the trenches. I got his back and I have no doubt he's got mine. He has taught me more than he knows. I am single but the hope I have for a stable relationship in the future has been put their by watching how Danny carries himself within his relationship. Yes like all young married men he talks his fair share of smack saying things like "If I was single" but even on boys nights out he still ends up passing the ball to me when any females show interest. He is like my official manager and I'm the free agent. I Love you brodee.
Dennis on the other hand had a slightly late start he was the second twin. Met him in high school but it wasn't til near the end of high school that we started solidifying our friendship. He seemed a bit sheltered when I first met him but after going through some relationship issues he came out straight savage. He is the Lil man with more heart than giants. It doesn't matter the competition I would put my money on Dennis. Dennis and my friendship was truly forged in the fires of nightlife. To this day some of my craziest nights have been facilitated by this man. If we could compare people to functions I'd say your craziest friend is a Tupperware party and Dennis is a millionaires "Going to Jail Party" and he is going in for life so why hold back. He is more than a wing man he is the whole damn plane and constantly on kamikaze status. Thus we call him Dennis the menace. He has a style completely of his own. He dresses and dances like no other but them tira flechas love him for it.
The Smitty brothers have earned the respect of LYMLife members for being genuine people. They also earned the love of Momma LYM through their eagerness to assist and help things run smoothly in my household. I can honestly say these boys are irreplaceable and if I had a choice of being wealthy and successful or having them as my brothers I'd be happy to be a failure with friends like them. Love you boys. #SaluteToTheSmittys

posted from Bloggeroid


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