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Sustainable Movement

It is unhealthy for a company to reflect the life of its leader too closely. A leader is simply human with certain skills and attributes that helps one to reach the forefront of a movement. Just like average joe all our lives are filled with ups and downs. We all have good days and we all have days we don't mind forgetting. The problem with being a leader is eyes are always on you. The good days inspire your followers the bad ones make them question you or it brings down their morale. A movement is defined as a group of people with common ideology. A company is defined as a number of individuals assembled or associated together. LYMLife serves as a company and a movement. The question is how do you separate them? Or is it possible to combine them in a progressive manner? I choose the latter. LYMLife is the catch all for my life ventures but as the days go by I notice its growth in unexpected areas. 

How do we sort through those who like what we are doing and those who back us and are along for the ride? I seek supporters who bring something to the table. I seek people who aren't afraid to stand on their own in the face of the opposition. The untouched and fearless. I had a talk with my LYM brother the other day and he discussed disdain for the inner dealings of LYMLife. He seemed to want to label our brothers supporters of me and not of the movement. This caused mix feelings. On one hand I have nothing but love for those who support me as an individual but I want people to see the bigger picture the true greater good. LYMLife is the shelter which we all can grow under. It is not meant to glorify my life. I simply use my life as an example to inspire others so that I can shine light into their darkness. We all represent LYMLife but as civilized savages we must take up the torch for ourselves otherwise we cannot thrive. No man is an island. and that goes for every man woman and child. We must work together in order to make that change and bring the term LYMLife to every person on earth. We must bombard our loved ones with this movement in order to successfully spread the word. I am one man so even if I set the goal of meeting one new person and having a conversation about LYMLife every day for the rest of my life I still wont reach anywhere close to the amount of people we can reach if we work together. So I am simply asking from the LYMLife fam if you read this and have it in your heart or have a minute of time in your busy schedule we are doing a picture awareness campaign. All we ask is you write "LYMLIFE" on a piece of paper, post it, napkin, or whatever is readily available. Then take and post a picture pledging your support to a good cause. Your pledge is basically saying "I believe in dreams and those who have them". Your pledging to support fellow goal achievers and in general LYMLife. You support doing the most with what you are given. Not existing but taking it a notch further and making a life that is worthwhile and well lived. Something many deny themselves from early on. Lets take shots at our own potential in hopes of one day surpassing it. So post your pics on Facebook, Instagram, twitter, or whatever social medium you use. Hashtag  #LYMLIFE so we can be inspired by your simple statement. Simple but it speaks wonders. Until next time keep it LYM.


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