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No Handouts in Our Home

The other day while attending a pool party/barbecue I was asked a question which I honestly answered but the path it took was a little different than I expected.A girl I met that day was making small talk as most people do but the opinions and statements seemed to align with her own on a few random everyday struggles. As the conversation continued it came back to a general ice breaking question. “ What do you do?”, she asked me.  Normally my answer is either i’m an engineer or I run a blog/clothing line/ lifestyle company but the strangest thing happened. I answered “I’m an engineer” to my surprise her face showed a expressions that said “thats it”. Responding immediately to her look of dissatisfaction I added “ I design transmission lines, so you could say I’m in the business of transporting high power”. She seemed a little less dissatisfied but it was if she knew there was a deeper answer that i was hiding. “That sounds like fun”  she said and in an attempt to give the hidden truth I slipped in “ I run a clothing line/ blog.” That's when the conversation took a turn. “It seems like everyone nowadays has a clothing line”I quickly explained the difference between LYMLife and these other clothing lines.“Everyone wears clothing and every one supposedly stands for something. LYMLife is the lifestyle, Civilized Savages is the movement. The revolution is the combination of the two.”She started to explain in Crossfit alone she sees so many fly by night clothing lines and all of them send her gift packages. I immediately saw the difference which I had to explain. A marketing tool used by many companies clothing and non clothing is to send out freebies to spread the word and to gain popularity. That is completely against LYMLife policy. In sports alone many athletes are endorsed by sneaker and clothing companies. Artists are endorsed by all kinds of companies. Actors endorsed by charities and other causes. LYMLife will never be endorsed by any man woman or child unless they truly believe in the cause. If they truly believe in leaving their mark on this world then they will eventually come to know us. Depending on how about this because they are they may purchase our products and in their journey to achieve their full potential we may give a kickback and send them something but this package is only to let them know we salute their struggle and we recognize their grind. It is not a marketing scheme. In my eyes heroes are normal people who excel beyond expectation of human capability. In the face of fame I do not bow down. Starstruck is something I never felt because we are all human. So therefore LYMLife does not sponsor anyone especially on the basis of being famous. If there seems an avenue to use someones struggle and bring light to it for the benefit of say the kids in their community then we will find a way to make charity out of it to these less fortunate youngins but sponsoring an artist to get fame from their come up or their already gained fan base is something we do not do. The simple fact is a lot of people who get free gift packages can easily afford the packages they get and still not be phased financially. For this reason LYMLife has no interest in catering to the rich and famous. They are just as worthy as the everyday laborers who support us and treating everyone equally is just the way we do business. After explaining this to the girl we got on the topic of sports stars with million dollar contracts that eat free in her fathers upscale restaurant. she explained how this angered her and I simply said-“Welcome to LYMLife”....   Sidenote: I later realized her interest in the “Civilized Savage” red bands worn by most attendees of the pool party was what had sparked this convo. 


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