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What is LYMLife to you?

There was a question asked by one of our brothers “What does LYMLife mean to you?” When he asked this question no one responded and I am sure it wasn't that we couldn't answer it was that we have a schedule that may have prohibited us from answering. I read the text message and I knew what I wanted to write and when I started writing I came up with more and more meanings to LYMLife. After reading this blog I encourage our readers to comment and tell us what LYMLife means to you.
Here is what I replied to my brothers:
“LYMLife means leaving a positive impression in this world to everyone you love and meet. To do things out of the norm, but in a right way. To fight through the struggle and never feel satisfied because we can be so much more. It is not a clothing line or a business for selling stuff just for the hell of it. It is a lifestyle and code to live by. LYMLife is working hard and playing hard. Enjoying the life you have been given and taking advantages of opportunities that are presented. There is no such thing as failing. Failing is not learning through trials and tribulation and not bettering yourself even if you did not get the results you wanted.”
As a LYMLifer we put many meanings behind LYMLife. We go through life discovering ourselves through our turmoil. Even keeping LYMLife alive has been a trial and we are learning how to deal with all the bumps in the road to provide our members with everything LYMLife has to offer. We are working towards growing as a movement not as company trying to make profit.

-Dennis LYM


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