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We are the Intitiated

Located on our about page is an old t shirt design I came up with about a year and a half ago. In the design it shows hands making a double L(for LYMLife) and says LYMLife on the top. On the bottom is the phrase "we are the initiated". This phrase troubles my brothers but to me it stands as statement that is uncontested. 

Initiation: is the action of beginning something.

In creating this design i had to consider the true meaning of what the title "Civilized Savage" entailed. What made a savage civilized and how does one become such a thing? A civilized savage is a primal creature with dreams and aspirations which are viewed by others through a persons achievement and success. Civilized savages contain the drive and approach life with such tenacity that others must step aside if in the way. A civilized savage stops at nothing to do as he has said because every statement a promise and every promise a pact that cannot be broken. If broken the wrong must be righted and if not the person cannot claim such a title. To be initiated is to be tested to the tee. You can overcome obstacle and excel in certain areas but a civilized savage is a well rounded cultured individual who is versatile. To be initiated in LYMLife you must take steps toward your own brighter future. I cannot tell you what these steps will be and no mans initiation is the same. That being said what do you know of your initiation and who believes they have truly begun the process. It is harder than most think and the end result a mystery. The end game is to be the best you can possibly be to reach true potential. You must not stray or be swayed by the opinions or suggestions of others. You must sacrifice and fight to climb to the highest point on your mountain of life. You will laugh, cry, sweat, and bleed. When your ready to give up  you must find strength within to motivate yourself to push further. Resistance is a sign of good direction and failure is a sign of future success. Its up to you how far you go. Will you go the distance only you and your God know the answer but I blindly say "Yes you will!" Why? If you took the time to read this you must want more out of life. So if you have taken this step take ten more don't stop til you reach the top. Until next time keep it LYM


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