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#NationalCognacDay #30DaySobrietyChallenge

In life not many know what they want the most. We walk through in a constant state of distraction. The world is full of tomfoolery and zombies on that never sober tip. Try 30 days of complete sobriety you might see the world differently. Almost a two weeks into my 30 days and the first week seemed like the hardest hurdle.
Friends turning up but im sticking to my guns. Today marks "National Cognac Day" and although it is my drink of choice I must do as I said I would. One of the most respected things about Civilized Savages is they are men of their word. If we say 30 days of sobriety that's exactly what we mean. Through my own challenge I've gotten mixed feelings from my peers. Some have ridiculed me other shared words of encouragement. It wasn't until I received a text saying others have been inspired to take the challenge that I realized inspiration can be found in all situations.

I began my challenge for a few reasons:

1- health and body rejuvenation
2- weed out frienemies
3-Learn moderation
4-Spark a drastic change
5-Focus more on my top priorities

With these goals in mind I move forward in the name of progression. I've said so many times it has almost become the slogan "LYMLife is not the selling of clothing but more living in a manner that inspires others to make a positive change in their environment". It just so happens that's exactly what I've done. By challenging myself I have gotten others to take the challenge themselves. I started the challenge with 5 others lost a few but gained many more challengers. To those who fell off I say " Give it another shot", to those who recently began I say "Lets Get It!"
I noticed a destructive pattern in society and I sought to change it in my immediate life. Drinking is a social responsibility of many and also a horrible coping mechanism but we allowed it to become routine. Yes I play beer pong and I enjoy it for its competitive nature and it's bonding abilities but there is no justification for me playing every weekend. After a long work week there is no reason I should default to alcohol to numb out the stresses I have suffered. I view alcoholics in the same light as drug abusers. Alcohol is a substance, yes a legal one but it should be taken just as seriously as narcotics. I'm not saying ban alcoholic beverages get your swerve on be my guest but what I am saying is don't let the substance rule you. Take control of your life and make sure if ever in the absence of your substance of choice make sure you can still make wise decisions and carry on as a normal human would. Be yourself sober or not. The second a substance causes extreme changes in your behavior it is a problem. I can say I am in complete control and I couldn't be happier. Stop making excuses and grab life by the reigns. Until next time keep it LYM.


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