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Where we're at, Where we're going...

LYMLife began as a project to bring forward a positive movement of intellectual thought but  with the goal of not losing relevance to the street culture. Almost four years later we have remained true to our underground nature, we have remained consistent with our code for living, and gained many resources in the form of amazing people. Instead of gaining consumers we transformed our customers into our friends. Instead of just buying our products they took it to the next level and took over the marketing department. No one realizes how widespread our reach actually is. I have had the pleasure of tracing our ventures and observing the amount of miles our product has covered and it amazes me. We have managed to sell in the UK, venture into Asia through one of our representatives, cover the many miles that make up the USA, and solidify a reading fan  base in South America. My goal: to meet every man woman and child that has related to the "LYM" culture. I want to hear from you and possibly even work with all these people through some medium if possible. I got big goals because LYMLife was my massive dream. To see your life's work manifest and to constantly be able to break down barriers and stick to the plan through any amount of resistance is how I know that this is my set path. The best part is I truly believe my chosen path and set path are the same road.

So to those of you who have had the pleasure of being part of the LYMlife I request that in the next two weeks you blast to the world the concept of LYMlife to the world. Hit facebook, twitter, Instagram even spread the word through text and tell the world what Lymlife means to you. There is no wrong answer lets spread awareness and build our family one person at a time. We got some heavily interactive things coming soon so lets spread the word and get involved because we are moving and don't want you to be left behind. Lets get together to leave our mark on this world. We are all equal in the LYMLife and it is not my glory that I am in search of I want to feel the effects of "Our Glory". LYMLife gear is worn by college professors, athletes, and even trap residents alike. How far can we reach? I think the world is a very attainable possibility. Lets build together! Until next time keep it LYM!


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