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This post is dedicated to those who have become stale...
What do I mean by stale? Stale means your a LAB ass person. If you don't know what LAB means Isuggest you watch Kevin Harts latest standup dvd. "Local A$# B&*^%" meaning you are confined by your environment. Branch out any chance you get. Retirement is realistically something much less glorious than most expect. Retirement is a term which refers to a time of freedom late in your life. Unless you plan of retiring in your prime its truly not worth it. You work the majority of your young life to be free when your old. I don't know about you but the majority of us are affected by old age physically. This why I cant understand waiting and saving until our health deteriorates to experience life. Experience life in the present. Don't wait til tomorrow to do what can be completed today. Enjoy life and stay progressive.
To quit anything cold turkey can be very difficult especially when it has been done so long its become routine. Cigarrettes, alcohol, or even day to day work they all fall in the same . Whether your job involves heavy thinking or intense labor, abruptly stop that and after a few days you will start to feel restless. As for cigarettes and alcohol if those are holding you back cold turkey is the way to go but work is something you should ease off. Take all the mini vacations you can and find new hobbies while you can. The older you get the more limiting factors on your life so live it up while you can and pace yourself. By taking the "Mini Major Vacays" while still working to maintain you will find balance and that is what embodies the LYMLIFE is really about. Enjoy life now because later is never guaranteed. Until next time keep it LYM. 


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