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Wisdom Wednesdays

"Success in the affairs of life often serves to hide one's abilities, where as adversity frequently gives one an opportunity to discover them."
Horace - Roman poet (65 BC - 8 BC).

This week I want to quote a perspective from a teaching with potential mentors. The facilitator began the session as detailed below:Welcome difficulties. Embrace adversity. Face conflict. Fear not failure. Especially avoid protecting your children from adversity as well as yourself. To continually hover over your child, correct their mishaps, provide more than is needed in material abundance as well as fix their mistakes, creates a child embedded with self doubt, insecurities and a lack of belief in self. Do not cheat your child out of opportunities to grow through adversity. Make known to them the value of digging out of a mess through hard work and endurance. Allow yourself and your children the opportunity to build resilience, problem solving, and tenacity as they experience the true abilities that will begin to arise. How wonderful to discover your true inner strengths when tested with trials. Don't shy away from allowing yourself to grow through hard times. To model this for your children is a genuine and valuable gift. You're the teacher . . . What lessons are you providing? As we leave our mark (LYM) this week let us be mindful of this. We could substitute the word child in the above writing with the word friend or mentee . Until seven sunsets LYM with purpose.
-Mama Murray


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