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No rest for the weary

I have now reached that akward point where I have acheived another major goal in my life. Its a limbo like feeling where I am indecisive as to which way I should go. I am on the proper route to a normal life with adequate amounts of success, but as a LYMLifer that's is not enough. A masters degree is a big acheivement to many. It shows discipline, perseverance, and plenty of sleepless nights. It shows a mastering of academic concepts and theories, but upon completion of the curriculum comes the point of real world application. The true test is in applying the lessons learned in the classroom. I am looking forward to such tests but more importantly to me is the time that I now have to apply to LYMLife. My previous neglect is definetly inexcusable and I hope to never go through that again. Over the course of this weekend I had a very enlightening conversation which called heavily on my view of LYMLife. I had a hard time telling a friend exactly what LYMLife was. He saw it as a way of life and he asked what exactly does it entail. Forced to put some boundaries on it I explained it is the marketing for a dreamers lifestyle.  It embodies the everyday hustler. It is the code that go-getters abide by. LYMLife is the choice you make instead of just existing in life. LYMLife is the revolution of self realization. LYMLife is saying "No" to the norm. Some say I am successful I say my journey has only just begun. Until next time keep it LYM.


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