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Wisdom Wednesday

Great minds are to be honored as the pillars of real change in the universe. We need to nourish our naturally talented youth to  advance forward with their revolutionary. ideas and embrace their fresh ideas no matter if we can't see the end result. EINSTEIN like many people with unique abilities was seen as a quack. Little did the world. know many of the ideas we take for granted would be invented from the theories of this. uniquely talented mind. As we LYM, we must not let bumps in the road hinder our moves forward.We must use setbacks and naysayers to fuel our resolve to succeed. The key is to strive to  make a positive impact on individuals and society as a whole. Einstein had old G swag. If he were here today we would recognize his swervacity.As we search for inspiration in far places, we need to look closer to home. Special abilities are among us and and are not only under served but under appreciated as well.. Celebrate ideas, free thinking, wonder, amazement and quirks. Until seven sunsets, LYM with the "swervaciousness that would make great minds like Albert smile.

Mama Murray


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