Wisdom Wednesdays
"To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things everyday."
Lao Tzu
The noun wisdom is defined as the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement. Few among us would argue that this is an asset. Our challenge in this time is to extract some sense from the nonsense we encounter in our daily journey. When we incorporate the learning from our experiences to our skill set, our world view is broadened. Humans big and small make hundreds if not thousands of decisions between every sunrise. When we strive to expand our view , we deepen the quality of our decisions, our reflections and ultimately our actions. Actions are how you LYM (Leave Your Mark). Lao Tzu referred to wisdom as "removing things everyday". Remove doubt and replace it with confidence, remove fear and replace it with courage , remove obstacle and replace it with opportunity. Contemplate these things as you live your life and leave your mark. Until, seven sunsets, live fully, love abundantly and most of all positively LYM.
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