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Wisdom Wednesdays

"There are seven things that will destroy us: Wealth without work; Pleasure without conscience; Knowledge without character; Religion without sacrifice; Politics without principle; Science without humanity; Business without ethics."
— Mahatma Gandhi
Embrace a new sunset and examine where you stand on these things. LYM in ways that represent what you want others to remember. Wealth for my house is abundant good  health and the ability to show love to the ones you value. Pleasure balanced with conscience will avoid multiple regrets. Regrets, remember, eat valuable energy that should be spent on opportunity. The informed understand that each sunrise presents infinite opportunity. Information without character as a backdrop, may as well not be gained. Ah, religion... if we truly understand sacrifice we become aware of all the forms it can take.  Don't be alarmed if payment is taken by time, money, energy and heartache. Politics coupled with principle may sound like an oxymoron because of history. We are challenged to fix this marriage which would represent societal gains in ways that would benefit the good of all. Be a part of the process, which represents eventual solution.  VOTE. Humanity is the key to not only scientific study, but to all that we do. The base is human and we are the source that will define how we respond in these times, which will determine what we face in the future. It is truly our responsibility to conduct all our "business" both private and public with ethics of standard of which we can be proud. Ponder these if only for awhile as YOU leave your mark. Until, seven sunsets, live fully, love abundantly and most of all positively LYM.


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