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Sell your greatest asset....yourself

So Bee LYM and myself decided to check out the career fair the other day and I realized alot of you out there are selling yourself short. The current situation in this country's economy is a gloomy one. We have educated students graduating with not enough jobs awaiting them and we also have many jobs being outsourced to foreigner accepting lower wages. I have no issue with the outsourcing but it is important to promote those companies who hire our citizens. It is not an issue of foreigners getting US jobs but more this issue that the companies are cheating the foreigners of their wages. That is another story for another day. More importantly is the inability of the current job seekers to truly market themselves. An education is not enough anymore personality is needed. Students don't have the proper tools to persuade employers to hire them. Very few are born with that natural charm and ability to convince others. A lot of you out there suffer from that childish hesitation. You are too scared to make a mistake so you live so cautiously that the door of opportunity never opens for you. You settle for what is given to you. Your shyness is like a soft scratch on the door. LYMLIFErs know there is no need in knocking because we are kicking down doors. When employers see that ambition in your eyes it instills fear in them. They say "whoa this kid is not taking no for an answer". They can't imagine having you working for a competitor. I am telling you to have faith in yourself. Convince yourself that you are the hottest thing out since sliced bread. Don't be too cocky but just have enough confidence to explain to an employer why you would be a perfect fit for their  company. Don't be afraid to say "I don't know" but quickly follow up with a "but I can be taught".  Don't fear the job hunt understand what you want and go for it. Make a list of your needs and wants and stick to them. Don't sell yourself short, give yourself options and choose wisely. It's your future and know one cares about it as much as you should. Don't be afraid to fight for yourself. You have to be hungry in order to eat. Do what your competitors are too lazy to do. Do that and you will achieve what they never imagined possible. Be your own "HYPE MAN". Until next time keep it LYM.


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