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The Present not presents

Happy Holidays to all. I hope you are enjoying your delicious holiday grub and basking in the glory of your magnificent gifts. Whether it be Hanukkah, Christmas or Kwanzaa you celebrate we want you to remember cherish whats really important. Holidays are when most of us feel that need to take time aside for our loved ones and get together. This is a valid and common thought to have but the truth is we must not wait for these festive times to come around to reach out and connect with family. We must use every day we wake to reach out and contact a loved one. The holidays sometimes seem to be an obligation for us to get together but it shouldn't be that way. Make more time for your loved ones so that the holidays are just another opportunity for us to eat and be merry, not a chance to remember what you look like.
The best present we can give for the holidays is the one without a price tag on it. Its Time! The simple gift which keeps giving. Anyone can get a job and earn money regardless of the economy. There a numerous ways to scramble up some change and buy a gift. Anyone can go into a store and buy a gift, but who can and will take time out of their day to sit and have a conversation with someone. Taking time shows people you do care. Its the present that says " Hey sorry I didn't feel like grouping you with the mass of people who i just blindly buy gifts for, so instead I decided to come over and spend some quality time with you" Time is the gift that can't be stolen after you give it. You don't need a warranty on time neither do you need a receipt. Its the ultimate gift because you can't get it back. So if you care about someone feel free to go to the mall fight off some other shoppers and pick up a material gift but along with your gift make sure to set aside some time to spend and create memories with your loved one. The time you spend will be much more appreciated and it might even save you some money. Spend time and stop stressing about your finances. Happy holidays till next time. Keep it LYM!


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