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LYMLIFE Mobbin With a Cause.

I had a discussion today with an influential person in my life and they asked me " what you doing worrying about clothes when the movement is lackin." I realized the movement isn't lacking there is just a large amount of people who refuse to take the time to read into things. It is my job to get the message across but it is also your responsibility to stand up and fight for your right to dream and achieve. Every clothing company has some kind of story behind it. some interesting others not so much. Some fabricated others so boring they must be true. All I can say is the story of LYMLIFE is one a of hardwork, honor, and brotherhood of traditional men. We represent an honest man's struggle. LYMLIFE has never and will never be caught in the shade, our business is done in the light and we approach life in a righteous manner so that in the event of serious consequences we are prepared to deal with our decisions. We don't come from wealth neither do we seek it. We seek a change in society inspired by the masses. LYMLIFE is the start of the silent revolution. The one that no one realizes but everyone accepts. Why do you accept it? Because it was conceived inside your mind. We are only telling you to listen to yourself. your mind and heart have a good idea of whats in your best interest so listen to them. LYMLIFE is the movement which seeks to light a flame inside you. Without you the fire cannot spread.You have the torch so spread the word and watch the flame grow. We are breathing, eating, freely thinking human being with dreams and ambition that cannot be set aside. In society things have been set a certain way for decades now and instead of striving for a change we have have accepted what we've been told. We've accepted the environment they've created for us. We are like ants placed in a tank and they told us we are free to roam inside the box because we don't wonder what is beyond the box. We think about it from time to time but we are to scared to go out there and explore. In life anything worth having takes blood, sweat, tears, and lots of sacrifice. They say I'm crazy for pursuing this LYMLIFE thing but in all honesty if your not a little off then you ain't doing it right. What they call being unstable I call taking your dreams seriously. This isn't for fun this is life for us. We are down to die for our dreams. You decide what your willing to do for your cause. Either man up go out there and get whats yours or back down and accept the path of least resistance. Take the reign or let another reign over you. LYMLife or Exist?


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