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I'm so proud of you

So recently the LYM Squad attended the UCF graduation ceremony in Orlando, Fl. One of our own (BeeLYM) earned his bachelors in business. We are extremely excited of what the future has in store for him and proud of his current achievements. He comes from a great family and has the complete support and backing of his friends there is no reason why he can't reach his full potential. As a member of LYMLIFE we have had the opportunity to watch BeeLYM in and outside of his comfort zone and I can honestly say he's a stand up guy. We've shared some laughs, some cries, and alot of smiles. This post is dedicated to all the good times and the many more to come.  We appreciate you and want you to know that we are down to ride on your behalf regardless of the situation. I've known you for three years now and you've gone from friend to a real brother. Wouldn't trade your friendship for the world and LYMLIFE wouldn't be what it is without you.

In your future travels make sure to carry yourself with dignity and respect. Always leave your mark on those you encounter and remember to always do you. Some will try to put a damper on your success but don't let anyone hold you back. You are a light in this dark tunnel of life so never let anyone block your shine. Recognize the snakes and the wolves and rise above. Never be afraid to lean on your loved ones and always keep it LYM. We salute you Bee LYM. 


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