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The new chapter is about to begin...

Hello LYMLifers, sorry for the delay in post but as all of you who are in school know finals week has been a roller coaster of emotions. All I can say is grinding hard is an understatement. In my recent adventures I have seen just how far this movement has gone and I am just thankful that people are reaching out and showing support.To all the original followers and to those who were recently introduced, we appreciate you. This post is slightly random but it is one of those things I seek to clarify.
LYMLife is not an attempt to get famous. This is not your average clothing company/ attempt at stardom. This blog is dedicated to documenting realism in the world today. No offense to the famous but the majority of you sold your souls and forgot where your roots lie. Here at LYMLife our wealth is measured in love, family, friends, and memories. We measure success by the amount of lives we positively affect. We don't seek to pop bottles, make it rain, or indulge in excess. We seek to bring about a positive change in our environment. I have learned one important fact in my travels and that is that a poor man will break his last piece of bread with you before the rich man will consider sharing his loaf. So here at LYMLife if any of you hunger just know we are always sharing out pieces of our pie. This family is continuously growing and we are welcoming you with open arms. LYMLife on the pursuit of happinness and the pursuit of resembling our potential, please join us.


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