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Support is synonymous for Respect

Nothing says #Respect like support. In life everyone seems to be searching for a kickback a day when things will be dropped right in their lap. That day you're waiting on the one where the freebies come raining down will never come. If it does you can consider yourself the charity case of your circle. Also known as "The Sucka", "Weakest Link",  or "The Wasteman". I first became aware in the party scene of people trying to wiggle their way into functions yelling out who they know and what they need. "I know John so I need me and these 50 people behind me to get in for free." Then you get in for free so you just ate up a good portion of John's profit that he was going to use to throw a bigger and better party but its okay you friends. Your party of 50 starts to get thirsty so you want to get some bottles but you asking for store price cause you know John. My question, is John your guardian. Is he responsible for your well being and extra curricular activities? I think not. The Civilized Savages know everything must be earned because nothing should be given. I support those who I believe in and in wanting them to prosper I patronize their events and purchase their products at full price. Over time I receive the love back but on their first run around the track I try to buy into their ideas and show them that I like and respect what their doing. Freebies is for the needy and greedy. Don't milk a man match him your friendship will go further than you ever believed. Also this concept of support helps open the doors for possible collaboration and builds on buithe business relationship. I went to the same friday spot for months me and all my friends paid full price for our drinks then we graduated to buying bottles due to a suggestion by bartender. Eventually management realized who was buying all these bottles and due to some past good experiences they discounted our bottles. The difference is we never begged or asked. We had put so much money into their economy that they said theses people support us let us reward the loyalty. That is how you go from foot soldier to high general. Thats the difference between beggar and boss. Put your money where your mouth is and buy into things you want to progress. If you like an artist and you want to see his career continue buy his album, or painting, or whatever. Support what you believe in and build your own community economically as well as verbally. Before LYMLife outsources anything we look into our village and see what skills are present to make sure we are giving the work to those we call family before we pay a strangers bill. Nothing says I'm with you til the wheels fall off like backing a persons dream. Until next time keep it LYM.


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