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Monday....Lets Do This

Its Monday again. Instagram full of " I hate Monday" and "Can't wait til the weekend" posts. Before you ungrateful humans start complaining about your boss, your job, or your current situation how bout you give thanks for what's going good for you. Stop crying about your most recent issue and start moving towards your next goal. It doesn't have to be thanksgiving for you to say you thankful. Im thankful for everyday I wake up and every breath I take. Im thankful for every new friend and every new enemy I meet. I dont expect everything to be peaches and cream with highs I know there will be lows and that is life so instead of complaining when things get rough I always decide to dig deeper and ride that wave. So next time you think about complaining think have I really reached rock bottom?  Probably not. So here is what you do: Dig in! Everyone who reads this turn up your hustle. Make your work ethic match your party ethic. Treat it like the most important thing in the world. Make it yours. No matter what you do. Do it to the max. Go hard for 3 months minimum. Your superiors will notice and they will have a choice recognize and reward for the extra effort and initiative or ignore it. If they reward you go harder see how you can max out your situation. If they ignore it that means one thing you are currently in an environment where growth is not possible. If this is the case its time to move on. Find a place of growth and fight your way in. Then repeat the process. Continue this until you find that beautiful thing they call progress. Once you find it don't stop because it is a neverending and forever evolving relationship. In time you will find happiness in being that progressive person in society. You will align yourself with other go getters and your life will continually get better. Not without some trials and tribulations but you will be better off than you were before you read this. Why should you even listen to what im saying? Good question. And for that I have a good answer. Everyday a member of LYMLife is walking round spreading the word of LYMLife and teaching the tactics of the civilized savages. How does this affect you? While you sitting on instagram complaining about your plush life we are putting those unemployed and stepped on members of society who have the heart to thrive in "La Pincha" in a position to take that job you supposedly hate. So all im saying is keep on your P's and Q's because everyone is replaceable. Especially the unmotivated, ungrateful, and unexcited. I'm just saying stop complaining start grinding harder than your competition. Those you know of and those who have yet to reveal themselves. Until next time keep it LYM.


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