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Fighting with No Hands

LYMLife wouldn't be possible without the pioneers of our lifestyle. I call them the true Kings of this culture. The culture I speak of is that of the " LYMLifers", "Society Shifters" , and the "Foundation Shakers". True kings are not born royal they must earn the title through trials and tribulations. One thing about this man is 10,000 days in prison says he earned it and even after that he didn't decide to kick his feet up.

When you want to discuss OGs I'm pretty sure this man comes to mind. Nelson Mandela the icon of Peaceful Resistance in South Africa has left the bondage of his flesh and resides in the spiritual realm. It would not be right to say President Mandela died, for only his flesh been destroyed his cause, his thoughts, and his influence remain with the living for generations to come.

As an African American child(Parents of Caribbean decent) I was overwhelmed by the inflow of information on numerous great black leaders of the past to present. Nelson Mandela though always took me by surprise. He just looked like a genuinely innocent and happy old man. This is because I did not know enough about the man being that he was released in 1990, I was 2 years old. In my early years being infatuated with western movies my dad showed me violence can be sneakily glorified and sometimes seem "cooler" and more interesting alternative than peace. It is Nelson Mandela that taught me otherwise. Ghandi was the first thorough lesson in peaceful resistance, but President Mandela he would be the deal sealer. We look at men of athleticism and any profession with great physical strain think to ourselves these are warriors. We stare in awe at their physical ability and consider this a sign of strength and power. Sorry  to say these men are physically able but no more a warrior than Nelson Mandela. That "little old man" as I once called him is a Symbol of God-like strength to  the knowing and initiated. Mandela trained in Guerrilla warfare before he was imprisoned but it is not where his strength came from. His victories in battle are not counted by the amount of men he killed. His Warrior stats are measured in time and consistency. As they say even a child can shoot a gun or kill a man but very few can do what Mandela has done. Being South African's first Black President and then going on to fight for other important causes through awareness and general public education. This all came after being imprisoned for 27yrs being released at age of 71, continuing to tour and take part in negotiations with anti-apartheid negotiations. His home life nothing easy with a wife he stayed loyal to and supported until she was found guilty of torturing and killing opponents in KwaZulu-Natal, and other townships. ANC support and opposition along with issues from "Third Force" under the table actions totally going against Mandela and his goals for South Africa. Trying to maintain and keep the Worlds eye on the cause while "peacefully fighting" off all those who sought to ruin peace goals and keep South Africa in the previous state of turmoil is definitely more than a full-time job. With all we read and hear of Mandela's struggles who knows what the unwritten and unheard resistances of his life did to him. All that and you still kept it 1000. This is not a life lost but more a life that should be respected, celebrated, and thoroughly studied in hopes of the youth applying such consistency and perseverance in hopes of a "better life for all". South Africa you lost a great source of guidance, a voice of true reason, and a father who many would die for, the real question now is will you pick up the torch and make that man smile from the heavens by showing him how he taught you; not just how far he took you but how well you use the tools he gave you. His life is a recipe for selflessness, his cause betterment of society as a whole, his title a true "Civilized Savage" in my book. The savage that showed his enemies what it was to be civil. Violence must often spews from ignorance mixed with anger which fuels hate. Mandela said "No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes naturally to the human heart than its opposite."  President Mandela we will never forget you, you truly left your mark and your words will ring through eternity, your practices I will attempt to make my own and your fight will continue because we all benefit from such a cause. If you read this from whatever comfy spot they got you in heaven just know when its all said and done I'd like to shake your hand  and give you a hug because I only call few my brothers but you sir truly feel like family in the house of good intentions.  I hope when I die that my jury will come with a verdict that I earned the right to at least share a meal in such a home. Until next time keep it LYM. 

PS My dad keeps a picture of your Cell  that they kept you in. I will never forget that picture you truly made it work there lies the savage in you. You are a hero to which words could not accurately measure it has been an honor to have just lived during years that you were alive and seen you in all your glory. Rest Easy uBawomkhulu!


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