Dear Students,
Today a randomly selected few will be receiving a small token of kindness. This token is a show of our appreciation for you being yourself. You are all special individuals and overtime we may have the opportunity to work together on some common goals and offer genuine help on behalf of our company that we work for. Those of you who do receive these tokens will notice each card says "LYMLife .com" This is not for you to patronize our clothing line but more to add to your box of life tools.
LYMLife is a two piece word. First three letters an acronym; LYM stands for Leave Your Mark. Add that to the Word "Life" and you get "Leave Your Mark Life". Its not enough to say you were born, you lived, and you died anymore. What did you really do? Did you strive for greatness and reach some honorable level of excellence.The real question is did you achieve your dreams or did you just play it by the book? Did you walk a paved path or did you make a new one. Did you give it your all or did you half ass it? LYMLife is not the act of selling clothing, it is living in a manner which inspires others to make a positive change in their environment. If you reread that then you understand that you are starting by making a change in yourself you indirectly motivate others to make a change also hopefully causing a domino effect. If something is wrong with the world you live in then fix it don't wait for someone else to adjust when you know its your problem. You have youth and heart on your side so let passion fuel you and if needed let LYMLife assist you. To the best of our ability we seek to keep dreamers dreaming. We are the facilitators of dreams. We believe you must grow up but you should never lose sight of your dreams. Dreams are long term goals and it is our mission to assist everyone that crosses our path and has a passion for something. So the real question is are you ready to chase dreams and leave your mark on this earth?
Today's random act of kindness comes from an old concept called "Pay it forward". Pay it forward refers to the action of doing random kind acts for others and hoping they replicate this kindness onto another person so on and so forth. If only a few people start doing it once a month then there will be more acts of kindness making for a better world or at least a nicer one. Not all acts of kindness involve money there are plenty of different approaches but due to our lack of knowledge as to what you all were like we figured money would be the smoothest route. So I ask only one thing of you all. Take these gift cards, others observe the concept and truly try your best to implement such practices into your own life whether it be at home, school, or even work. Lastly to those who did receive gift cards I hope you put the card to good use. My suggestion, invest in yourself use the funds to purchase something toward your craft, cause,or just your lifes work in general. Enjoy the holidays, be safe, and be kind when the opportunity arises.
-Until Next Time Keep It LYM.