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Earn Your Keep

Recently a speech was made by David McCullough Jr an English teacher at Wellesley High School's graduation ceremony that has caused an uproar in our society. The topic of the speech has been negatively portrayed by the media and they have dubbed it the "your not special speech". After going viral many teachers have come to stand by this powerful speech. As always the media sees the negative in most things and immediately harps on the gloom and doom. This speech is a shot of realism along with a strong chase of hope for those with ambition.
For a while now our society has been so caught up with not offending certain groups that we have fallen into this everyone is a winner and everyone is special concept. This is a false sense of hope and an intro into the world of lowering standards in order to show progress. We are idolizing the idle and petrified of the progressive. My take on this speech is the man tells you to stop settling for the lowered bar of success and shoot for the sky. Not everyone can win and not all of us deserve to be special. Those who are willing to make sacrifice and do what others are too lazy to do will overcome. We must fight for the right to be special. We must distinguish ourselves through raw achievement. This speech is an awakening for the privileged and the lazy. This speech is the epitome of our movement. LYMLIFE is the life of "go-getters". A Latin proverb attributed to Hannibal states " I will either find a way or make one" and this sums up the mindset of the special, the unique, the true leaders of our time. Not all can lead some will be forced to follow due to their lack of will. The LYMLIFE means to rise above and force a change. Don't be fooled into satisfaction of the false back pats. In the water what has your ripple affected. We aren't satisfied with ripples over here we demand tsunamis. I have been very successful in my endeavors so far (successful internships, cancer survivor, college graduate) but I am nowhere near satisfied. I once got a glimpse of my potential and until I resemble him I refuse to settle. We are trying to truly change lives and shift the thoughts of our generation. Hope lies within the individual, and it depends not on intentions, but in action itself.  Until next time keep it LYM!
Here is the footage of the speech via YouTube:


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